Chapter 6
3160.9 AD
If you really want to know what people believe, don't listen to what they say. Listen to what they don't say. But I warn you, you probably won't like it.
- The Great Gramps
Great Gramps had dropped them off and headed for orbit where he would continue to charge the ship's isotopic reserves while he listened for any command from Erin. Maxwell and Erin had made it back to the airlock through which they had passed months before. As they exited, they were greeted by a welcoming party with weapons.
“What are you doing?” asked Erin as she had her suit peel from her head. It was then that she saw Tommy Jones raising a metal bar.
“Run Maxwell,” she said.
But Maxwell's actuator slowed him down, Tommy was upon him and swinging the bar, striking Maxwell in the knee. Maxwell went down; Erin rushed to kneel beside the robot.
“What are you doing?” she yelled at Tommy.
One of the men said, “Put the piece of junk on a donkey-bot and bring the girl.”
Two of the men pulled Erin to her feet and started with her down the darkened corridor. Tommy and one of the other men picked up Maxwell, he didn't struggle, they placed him on the bot to follow the others. Tommy was grinning.
Ahead of the bot Erin struggled and demanded to know where they were taking her.
“We're taking you to the council,” said the apparent leader, who Erin recognized as a distant but not well-liked, at least by her, relative.
“Now, be quiet until we get you there. Then you can tell it all to the council members,” said the man.
The man had called ahead, the five council members were assembled, the Council Head started.
“Miss Jones, do you know why we have brought you here?” he asked.
“I have no idea councilman, but I want to file a formal complaint against Tommy Jones for damaging the robot, Maxwell.”
“Miss Jones, you are probably unaware of the changes that have occurred since you and that robot disappeared.”
“Well, I know you weren't Council Head when I left Donald, where's my uncle?” said Erin.
“I am sorry to say your uncle is dead and the entire settlement is under martial law. I am now the Council Head, and I would advise you to show due respect. You already have enough charges against you.”
Erin was quiet a moment. The council head thought he had made an impression on her, then she spoke.
“Donald, weren't you a sanitation engineer when I left?”
“I can see you have no more respect for authority than ever. Mr. Secretary please read the charges against Miss Jones, and do it in English, will you?”
The charges read by the Council's secretary included actions that willfully disobeyed community laws of airlock usage, failure to file a statement of intent upon leaving the community, misappropriation of community equipment and supplies, particularly personal suit and robotic personnel, for a non-authorized above ground excursion, willful endangerment of community security …
“That's enough Mr. Secretary.”
“How many charges are there?” asked Erin.
“Thirty or so I believe Miss Jones. But don't worry, you and your lawyer will be able to read and respond to all the charges.”
“Stacking the deck, aren't you Donnie?”
“Miss Jones you will refer to me as Head of Council or Council Head while I perform my official duties, or you will be held in contempt. Understand?”
“I understand you are in over your head, Council Head,” said Erin.
“Still the clever, little, arrogant Erin. Very well, put her in jail.”
“What jail?” asked Erin.
“One we've built just for you Miss Jones,” said the Council Head as Erin was taken from the room.
The “jail” was a repurposed storage room without windows, a hastily installed cleaning booth in the corner and a water spigot and sink that Erin figured she was to use for cleaning and drinking. She allowed the rest of the suit to peel off and put it in her pouch which her “guards” had searched and given back to her without any communication device left. She had no way of signaling either Maxwell or the ePod in orbit. And despite the promise of legal representation, no one had shown up yet.
There was a knock, the door opened, the guard caught sight of Erin near the sink.
“Your mother is here to see you; you have thirty minutes.”
Her mother pushed pass the guard and into the room, running up to her daughter and embracing her.
“Erin, I've been so worried, you've been gone so long, I thought you were lost, the same way I lost your father.”
“I'm sorry mom but you did get my note?”
“Yes, but it's been months honey.”
“Well, I felt pretty safe out there thanks to Maxwell.”
She paused a moment.
“Mom, what's happened here?”
“It started before you left dear. The debate between those that wanted to grow and improve the settlement and those that wanted just to hang on to what they had and not take chances. Eventually it created a schism, and increasingly bitter words were exchanged. It was as if each side distrusted the other to such an extent that they saw them as enemies.
“Anyway, it came to a head a couple of weeks ago when your uncle Perth refused to step down as council head. Someone killed him along with two other council members, the last two then resigned. Of all people, Donald Jones seized power along with that group of miscreants he hangs out with.
“Then he declared martial law and made himself dictator, the others on the council just rubber stamp what he says.”
“Mom, I want to tell you something.”
Erin led her mother over to the bed where they sat.
She hugged her mother and began whispering.
“I'm whispering because I'm afraid the room might be bugged. Now I'm going to tell you something and try not to let them see you respond if they're watching us. I found Great Gramps ePod. When you leave, I want you to find out where they are keeping Maxwell, and I want you to tell him to summon the ePod. He'll know how. I want you and him to be on board.”
Then Erin leaned back and began talking in a more normal voice, careful not to continue any discussion of the ePod.
Erin had spent most of her week alone until her mom visited. Once again, they sat on the bed for a minute whispering.
“I've contacted Maxwell. He will summon the ship during the council meeting tomorrow night. We will have to make it to the east airlock. I will return here to go with you.”
Erin wasn't sure how she and her mom would get past the guard to the airlock, but she would try. After her mom left Erin prepared the small things that had been left her. Some food and grooming supplies were all she had for her flight. She hoped it would be enough to get her to where she wanted to be which she now simply thought of as freedom.
Erin was sitting, waiting the next evening when she heard her mother's voice.
“Come Erin, the door is open.”
Erin gathered her things and quickly moved to the door. It was open as her mother had said, and outside she found her mother standing above a guard, on the floor, unconscious.
“Mother what have you done.”
“No time dear, we must move.”
Erin was surprised to see Maxwell walking well. They were off in the direction of the east airlock.
“Maxwell, what happened?” said Erin.
“I sedated the guard,” he said.
“No, I mean your knee.”
“Your mother had it repaired for me.”
“Shush,” said Erin's mom. “You two might be overheard.”
Just before they reached the corridor that would take them to the airlock, they rounded a corner and ran into Tommy.
“Oh, sorry Mrs. Jones,” he said before noticing the other two.
“Hey, you're supposed to be in lockup and that robot should be out of commission. Wait until I tell my dad.”
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