Monday, February 10, 2025

The Realm: A Novel - Chapter 10

Copyright © 2025 D.W. Patterson

All rights reserved.

Third Printing – February 2025

Future Chron Publishing

Cover – Copyright © 2025 D.W. Patterson

Cover Image – Copyright © ID 8151340 © Luca Oleastri |

No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission, except in the case of brief quotations for the purpose of review. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and events are products of the author's imagination and should not be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events and people, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Future Adventure SF

Chapter 10

What the academic doesn't understand is that some men will act upon his foofoo theorizing, and then it's back to the stone age.

- The Great Gramps

They arrived at the same airlock through which they had escaped long before. Maxwell started to manually cycle the airlock as previously but this time the airlock failed to respond and complete the cycling. Maxwell had to continue with the manual operation of the airlock.

The two had agreed to communicate only when necessary inside the settlement, and even then, their radios were programmed to change frequencies between communications to try to prevent any eavesdropping.

Inside, Erin was just about to uncover her head when Maxwell stopped her.

Don't take your suit off Miss, there is something wrong with the air.”

She lowered her hand from the suit before she touched it.

The corridor seemed darker than before to Erin. Maxwell would lead the way as his night vision was superior to Erin's suit. Unlike before, even the main corridor was darker. They headed straight for the makeshift jail room and upon arrival found no guard outside the door.

They must have moved her,” said Erin.

Let's check, just to be sure,” said Maxwell.

Inside, Erin could see someone laying on the bed. She rushed up to see but fell backward upon viewing. The person in a mold-suit was dead, the body decaying.

Maxwell look,” was all she said before fleeing the room.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

The Realm: A Novel - Chapter 9

Copyright © 2025 D.W. Patterson

All rights reserved.

Third Printing – February 2025

Future Chron Publishing

Cover – Copyright © 2025 D.W. Patterson

Cover Image – Copyright © ID 8151340 © Luca Oleastri |

No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission, except in the case of brief quotations for the purpose of review. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and events are products of the author's imagination and should not be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events and people, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Future Adventure SF

Chapter 9

3161.1 AD

AGI, A History, Dr. Poul Anderson

Copyright 3123 C.E.


The advent of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI or Aggie) in the 23rd Century led to a “Golden Age” for Earth as the Earth's governments contracted with the Aggies to manage the ever-growing cities (known as tower complexes).

This arrangement worked until the 26th Century when a break-away faction of Aggies (eventually called Beleni, meaning The Shining Ones) attacked those Aggies left on Earth. The resulting Aggie Wars caused damage to the tower complexes and loss of life. The meta-verse, a virtual world in which billions of virtual citizens lived, built and maintained by the Earth Aggies was almost completely lost. The outcry from the survivors of this war caused the Earth's governments to sever their relationships with the Aggies. Both factions of Earth Aggies disappeared into space.

Without Aggie management the Earth fell into a Dark Age while governments floundered. The distress was to last for a hundred years until the Aggies returned . . .

Gramps was excited to be able to operate a link-drive. He knew its history and much about how it worked.

He knew that the science of the drive was based on loop quantum gravity. The links that the link-drive uses for transport are made up of loops (resembling microscopic wormholes according to the mathematics) stitching together quanta volumes of spacetime. He also knew that the link-drive had been developed by the most famous of Em scientists, a robot named Dr. Dagmar Mach. So he felt some pride in operating such a device.

Okay, get ready everyone,” said Gramps. “Next stop Maripol.”

Gramps engaged the link-drive. Erin gripped the arms of her chair a little harder, Maxwell standing, braced himself. There was flash of light on the wallscreen. But when it was over there were no stars. Something was wrong.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

The Realm: A Novel - Chapter 8

 Copyright © 2025 D.W. Patterson

All rights reserved.

Third Printing – February 2025

Future Chron Publishing

Cover – Copyright © 2025 D.W. Patterson

Cover Image – Copyright © ID 8151340 © Luca Oleastri |

No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission, except in the case of brief quotations for the purpose of review. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and events are products of the author's imagination and should not be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events and people, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Future Adventure SF

Chapter 8

Chemists had their mustard gas, physicists their atom bomb, biologists had their retro-transmission CRISPR outbreak, but perhaps the greatest damage done to humankind in all history was done by the bureaucrats.

- The Great Gramps

Other AGI?”

Yes. Jackson thought there were, what he called other AI, in addition to human developed AI. He thought much of the conflict of the past thousand years could be explained by this conflict and the other AIs effort to destroy Earth AI as well as the humanity that had created it.”

Erin was quiet. She was worried that Gramps might be malfunctioning.

I have to say Great Gramps that even though I respect my great-great grandfather tremendously, this theory sounds pretty far-fetched.”

I agree Miss except for one thing.”

What's that?”

I think I've detected both types in this system.”

Maxwell reentered the cabin.

So, what are you two discussing?” he said.

Gramps filled Maxwell in through their comm-link before Erin could speak.

Well, that is interesting,” Maxwell said. “Do you think we should search for these AI Miss?”

Erin realized what had happened between the Ems and proceeded to reiterate her answer to Maxwell's question.

I'm not sure Maxwell. But I do know that we have nowhere else to go. And while you and Great Gramps might be able to circle the central star of this system and recharge the isotopics indefinitely, I shall be gone someday, even if I don't go crazy first. And more importantly, there's nothing I can do for my mother in our present situation. Maybe if we find the Earth AIs they can help.”

Well Miss I've never met an Earth AI but it's my understanding they don't like Ems too much,” said Maxwell.

Yes Miss,” said Gramps. “That's my understanding also.”

Well, I think that danger is something we'll have to face if we are to do anything helpful.”

I agree,” said Maxwell.

Me too,” said Gramps.

It's settled then,” said Erin. “Great Gramps let's get started. How long do you expect it to take?”

At least two months.”

I see. Maxwell did you find the aeroponics in good enough condition to grow food?”

Yes Miss, we can have a crop in six weeks. Meantime there should be plenty of stores, in addition to what we brought along.”

Even aboard a ship that was built for many more passengers, the two-month crossing of the system was an emotional challenge, for Erin anyway. Some of her anxiety could be traced to Maxwell's efforts to confirm their destination. He hadn't found any trace of it and was beginning to doubt Gramps' conclusions.

We're close enough Great Gramps, I should be detecting their power signature by now.”

And I'm saying Maxwell, that they've changed the power signature you are looking for over the years that I followed them. I eventually couldn't detect it. I think it will be nearly impossible to detect until we are on top of them.”

That won't give us much time to abort should something not be optimum,” Maxwell said.

Yes, I think we can forget about aborting the mission at that point, we will be committed to an encounter by the time our equipment detects them.”

Not the best scenario,” said Maxwell.

I agree Maxwell,” said Erin. “But it is what it is. Great Gramps will find them, if they are hostile to contact then we will have to reason with them. We must be fully committed to success.”

Very well Miss, I will do my best.”

That's all either of us can do Maxwell, and I thank you both.”

It was six weeks into the flight when an alarm went off. Erin was in the control room gazing at the stars.

What is that?” she asked.

That's the alarm that Maxwell setup when their power signature has been detected.”

We've found them?” said Erin.