Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Cislunar Space

My Cislunar Series of short stories grew out of a presentation I watched online. This series in the Remembered Earth Universe will be more near future. It will follow the development of Cislunar Space, that is the space between the Earth and the Moon (and slightly beyond). This space is becoming very important for business and military uses.

(Notes on the presentation by Dallas Bienhoff of Cislunar Development Corporation. Given at the Space Studies Institute, The Space Settlement Enterprise seminar in 2019).

Note that clicking all of these background short stories will be published here soon.

“Tug” in LEO (Low-Earth-Orbit) to move (4000 kg) out to GEO (Geosynchronous-Earth-Orbit). Allows satellite owners to eliminate circularization of orbit and the fuel involved. Tug can be refueled in Earth orbit.

Story: US TUGS


Enough revenue to build fuel depot in Earth orbit. Water to LEO becomes rocket fuel (propellant) at depot. 

Story: Proto Type

Additional tugs to move payload out to L1 (Lagrangian point one) and build a propellant depot. (25 tons, example payload).

Story: L1 OR BUST

LL (Lunar Lander) to depot to be based there. All supplies come from LEO in this scenario. Transfer of payloads and personnel from one vehicle to another.

Story: Guidance Box

Systems needed:
ETO – Earth to Orbit tanker.
Tugs – LEO & GEO

Aerobraking Tugs to save fuel.

Story: Air Brakes

Systems needed:
LEO fueling depot
40 – 80 tons water & 40 – 80 tons of propellant, twice amount needed for any mission
500 – 800 kWs of power, 5 to 8 times ISS
Allows monthly missions to L1 and quarterly missions to moon

EML1 (Earth-Moon-L1) aero-braking tug, 25 tons out, 5 tons back.

Story: View Point

EML1 fuel depot
70 – 100 tons capacity, sized to put 25 tons on moon
Water tanker to EML1

Story: Space Truck

LL to put 25 tons on moon's surface
Personnel module – 5 ton capacity

Story: Dark Side

Once propellant manufactured on moon, can then move 25 tons back to LLO (Low-Lunar-Orbit)

5 – 10% produced on moon can be delivered to LEO

20 year life-span for vehicles

40 years to get complete architecture if done sequentially, could be sooner if some systems are done in parallel.

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