Since I am going in for a medical procedure next week, it seems like a good time for a SOTW post. The procedure is an upper GI as an outpatient, so it shouldn't sideline me too long.
Good sales this month, over 60 books so far. But that only means that a few people found me and bought a couple of series each. Still far from great, but I do like that my stories are being read.
I recently started a Patreon page ( D.W. Patterson | Hard Science Fiction and Adventure SF | Patreon ) to try to reach more people. It's only been up a week and some have viewed but no one has tried a story yet. So, I decided to see if maybe the process was too cumbersome. I'm hesitant to post my material on Patreon, so, I had hoped that people would download it from my online store for no extra charge.
But maybe that's too much trouble?
So, I clicked on the download posts and pasted the discount coupon codes in at checkout and downloaded my “The Realm” novel and “Crush” short story without having to enter any credit card information. Payhip (the site that hosts my store) does ask for your email address. If you are hesitant, why not create an email just for such requests, you can ignore it or terminate it whenever you want.
The result is that it was relatively easy. I reviewed my EPUB file in the edge browser and the MOBI file in my Kindle for PC, both worked well.
So, the basic idea is to sign up (although the short story was free) for 1 dollar a month, read the story (short, novella, novel) and if you have the time and motivation, maybe leave a comment.
I'll give it a few more months.
Which brings us to my Substack ( Future Chron Publishing’s Substack | Future Chron Science Fiction | Substack ). It's been over a year, and it is not going well. Now, this makes me think that either what I'm posting is uninteresting (or awful) or maybe Substack is not the place for me (or both).
Paying 5 dollars a month is a lot more daunting than 1 dollar a month but as of right now 6 of the 12 stories posted are free and they aren't being viewed either. So, I am close to making a decision that Substack isn't going to work for me as a story repository and turn it into a newsletter only.
On my blog I'm putting up chapters of my latest story “The Realm: A Novel” for free. The first seven chapters will soon be available there as they are on Patreon currently. It's finished and edited, eventually, I will publish the novel to the online bookstores, maybe February or March?
Currently I'm working on a story about a 13-year-old boy (and girls) and his adventures on a mining station at the L4 point (the Earth-Moon Lagrange point). The blurb is as follows:
The Remembered Earth Universe covers the science and technology of the next hundred years, as mankind moves into cislunar space (defined as that space in and around the Earth-Moon system and slightly beyond), and takes tentative steps to destinations farther out.
Now after the Cislunar Series and the Lunar Series, the story of man's place in space continues with the asteroid mining of the L4 Series.
The story of mankind's move into outer space continues with the first settlement/station beyond the Earth's Moon. The Earth-Moon Lagrange point, L4, 19 million miles away would be the newest outpost for man's hopes and dreams.
L4 Station: A Story
The first crew replacement ship to the L4 point of the Earth-Moon system carried the new personnel needed to continue mining the asteroids found there.
It also carried thirteen-year-old Raymond Jones and his younger brother Roger, along with others their age.
Raymond is a bookworm and also from the Moon which makes him a two-time loser to some of the other kids.
But he is determined to not let the bullies, the dangers of space, or his lowly status defeat him.
And others are starting to notice his determination, especially Cindy.
As of now it is close to becoming a short novel (which I define as a story over 20,000 words but less than 40,000) and may even become a full novel before I finish. More in the future.
Thank you for reading.
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